Stranded - The Kentologist

One of my favorite things to do is take pictures of my son, Kent (shocker!)...well, I don't have another willing volunteer, so he's my favorite by default.  Yesterday, I decided to take advantage of clear skies and warm weather to get a few pictures of Kent in his new Sweet Luka Mo romper from Angie's Pop Up Shop.  Kent is a brand enthusiast for Angie's Pop Up Shop. There you will find a closet-full of local, handmade unique kids clothing, accessories and gifts.  Angie's philosophy on children's fashion is much like ours and we're both big supporters of small businesses. Don't forget to check them out at

Getting Kent ready for a photo shoot is somewhat stressful because you not only have to be the attentive photographer, you have to also be the mom chasing him down when he gets a taste of freedom in wide open spaces. Outfit, check. Camera gear, check. Bottle of water, check. Snacks, check. Toys, check. I think I have everything.

We head to location. It's a stretch of land that's mostly tall grass and hills and a patch of red clay.

the kentologist, mommy blogger, boys fashion

I found a perfect spot to start shooting and brought my keys with me. I put down my keys to set up my gear. Kent, as a typical 2-year old, ran away toward a ditch. Naturally, I chased him because the last thing I wanted was for my face to end up on the news as a negligent parent who took her kid in the middle of some uninhabited area and he got hurt or worse. It then became a game, so I captured some fun shots in the process. I had captured everything to my satisfaction and then it was time to go. 


The next thing I heard was a rustle in a large bush in front of me. Eyes wide, I looked down and saw this:

Talk about panic. I reached down to my phone to alert Lee of the situation. My battery is forever in the red, so I dropped him a pin to come find us just in case. His response was great (great meaning I can laugh about it now):

Excuse my typo, too* - confirms the panic

 I'm TERRIBLE at remembering landmarks when I travel to new areas and misplacing my keys here was no different. Eventually, I remembered to look for that ditch that Kent ran toward and lo and behold, we found them! I spotted them from a few feet back, but after 15 minutes of looking for them, Kent was also heavily involved in the search. I let him "discover" them, using the last 3% of my battery life on this video:
The kentologist is a mommy blogger covering boys fashion

Oh yeah, we also had a photo shoot!


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Instagram: @thekentologist

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